Product Updates

Student Details, Report!

            Atten-hut! I apologize for our terrible puns and misuse of commas. New reports are now live in AthletaDesk! You can now create a 1-page Student Details Report with all the information in one student’s account. Share these PDFs with your fellow trainers, keep them …

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Put Your Best Foot-er Forward

If you’re a business that takes advantage of Auto-Invoicing, you can now include a custom footer at the bottom of auto-created invoices. This option is stored with the auto-invoice settings, so you can specify a different footer for each family if necessary. This is a great option for families or …

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Play It Safe

Thank you to all those that have already volunteered to test out securing hosting over HTTPS! We now have a number of custom domains hosted by AthletaDesk and secured using HTTPS. We’re still looking for some volunteers! If you currently host your website with AthletaDesk and use a custom domain, …

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Looking for HTTPS Volunteers!

A few months ago we switched all the websites that use “” subdomains to secure hosting over HTTPS. Those of you using custom domain names were unfortunately left behind… but not anymore! Today we’re excited to announce that we’re beta testing HTTPS for custom domains. If you’d like to help …

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New Year’s [Software] Resolutions!

Happy New Year everyone! We hope everyone had a lovely holiday and came back refreshed. We have a positive smorgasbord of updates for all of you, so let’s get to it. A Plethora of Updates: In the website editor, you can now embed a video from your Media Library using …

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Jingle Bells & Whistles

In the lead up to the holiday season, we gift you…an update! This week’s update has a little bit of this and little bit of that. Cool new things to get excited about: When you’re adding new students to your business, AthletaDesk will now warn you if you’re adding a …

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Partial Payments get a 2 for 1 makeover!

‘Tis the season of giving! We’re giving you the hard work of our development team… 2 for 1 Bug Fix & New Feature: Last week a few of our users were not able to make partial payments through the Student Portal. That bug has since been fixed. And, if you “Allow …

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Expense Receipts love paparazzi!

This week in exciting news… *drumroll please* We’re launching a brand new feature in Expenses & Other Revenue! You can now add expenses to your business by taking a picture of the receipt. AthletaDesk will attempt to scan the receipt to capture the price, payee and date… less typing = …

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Warning: Make-Up Credits are Nifty!

If you use make-up credits in your business, you’ll appreciate our new warning message! We added a pop-up message to help prevent instructors from mistakenly deleting events that had make-up credits associated with them. Remember: A student is billed when a make-up credit is issued, so if you remove that …

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New and Improved: The Download Library!

In the Download Library we’ve made some highly requested changes: Permissions can now be set using Student Groups (in addition to individual students). This will make it much easier to give new students access to specific files in larger businesses (or businesses with large Download Libraries). You can set permissions …

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Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach, AthletaDesk is the platform you need!


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