Product Updates

We just made Auto-Pay even easier!

If you’re a fan of letting AD do the work for you… We are too! We made some changes to how adding a credit card or bank account affects the Family Account. If you’re using PayPal Pro or Stripe, when a payment method is added by yourself (the business administrator) or a parent, …

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Small Fixes, Big Payoff

For all you avid mobile AthletaDesk users, you’ll be happy to hear that you can once again delete Recent Transactions! Go ahead and start deleting! Just kidding, you probably shouldn’t do that… Check out what else is new: The Training Log chart on the Student Portal homepage now displays minutes instead of …

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Fire Up the Widget!

Press the big red button! No, not that button, the other button! This is 100% not how development works at all. Anyway! We made some changes to the registration widget this week, and now it can do more things: Update an existing student in the system with a new phone …

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“Sticky” makes us think of desserts

Sticky buns, anybody? Unfortunately, that’s not what it means today, but if you like AthletaDesk reading your mind and doing things the way you like them, you’ll love this! On the Expenses & Other Revenue page, the “Cash/Accrual” option is now sticky, so AthletaDesk will remember what you prefer (this …

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Snips, snails and puppy dog tails

That’s what little boys are made of! Well, no, not really. We’ve added a new option for businesses that are using the Student Portal: You can now restrict calendar permissions for non-adult students so they won’t be able to cancel lessons or join events (depending on your studio settings). This …

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A Work In Progress

Hi Everyone! In this week’s update, we’ve focused our efforts on improving the recently released mobile layout based on your feedback. This will be an ongoing project in an effort to improve your mobile experience. We’ve made a handful of minor adjustments to the new mobile layout that was rolled …

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Odds & Ends

Hey Everyone! We’ve seen a torrent of new users begin using Athleta Desk in the past couple months. Welcome! We’re very excited to have you onboard. This week’s update consists of just a few small fixes and features while we continue working on some larger “under the hood” projects to improve performance. …

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Hi Everyone! Don’t worry, we’re still here! We’ve been hard at work improving the overall performance of the application as well as fixing up some minor issues. Updates: New students can now be added to existing families on the Waiting List (and existing students can also be merged with families …

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It’s What’s Inside That Counts

When it comes to running a business, time always seems to be in short supply. This is why we’ve been hard at work for the last two weeks reworking a lot of Athleta Desk’s internal structure in order to run the site faster. Some poorly performing pages will see a 10x …

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Null and Void

Hi Everyone! This week’s updates include some exciting new features to invoicing and making changes to the attendees of a recurring group event. If you happen to make an error invoicing a family, it is now possible to mark an invoice as “Void” rather than deleting it. This is particularly …

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