Ready for Delivery!

‘Tis the season for some new feature updates! We’ve been keeping our ears open for your feedback around email deliverability and have been continuously monitoring everything we can to make sure your business emails are being successfully received by your families. This week’s update focuses on our new Deliverability Report, which …

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Introducing: our new “Athlete Portal”!

It’s a big day in the AthletaDesk office! Today we’re launching an opt-in beta version of our new Athlete Portal – complete with an updated and modern interface. The new Athlete Portal is functionally identical to the current Athlete Portal, but is rebuilt using significantly newer technology that opens the …

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We’re (pay)rolling with excitement!

Dealing with payroll may not be the most exciting part of your job, there’s no need to be shy about it. That’s why with AthletaDesk, all you’ve got to do is set your instructors up with their payroll rates and leave the rest up to us! Easy peasy, right? To kick …

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Skip a Beat

If you manually invoice your business in bulk, we have a cool new feature for you! Bulk invoicing now has an option to skip invoices that would display $0 owing. Previously, this was only available if you were using the auto-invoicing feature. Now you can easily avoid creating invoices when nothing …

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Accessibility is Awesome!

Making sure more people can use AthletaDesk! We’ve made a few minor changes to the Athlete Portal to improve accessibility for the visually impaired. Some of the “Zoom” buttons now correctly tell screen readers what content they are associated with. If you’re located in the Netherlands, the PDF Payment Receipt …

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Build a Safer, More Secure Website!

If you’re using a custom domain name with AthletaDesk and you don’t yet have a SSL certificate, it’s time to update your domain configuration (it’s easy and free). We’ll be sending an email to anyone who needs to update their domain configuration. If you’re already using AthletaDesk to host your website, you’re …

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What’s Black & White & Read All Over?

Answer: Our new black and white reports! If you set the Accent Color of your invoices to white, it now forces the report to become entirely black and white (no more grey text). So if you need to print out a report, it will be easier to read. Some improvements …

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Your Invoices Are 99% Complete!

When you create invoices in bulk, AthletaDesk will now display a progress bar! It makes it easy to see how many are completed and how many are left to go. This should also resolve page time-out issues that some schools were experiencing when manually generating large numbers of invoices. Other …

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Happy to Report!

We’re always working on improving AthletaDesk with great ideas and feedback from business owners just like you! Here’s a list of the changes we’ve made to Reports this week:  Added Paid, Void, Date Emailed and Date Reminded to the Invoice Details export file. We’ve updated the Billable Hours report so …

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Sign Me Up!

  We have so much to share with you this week! Today, we’re releasing two highly requested features: segmenting the athlete list by status and a new sign-up widget (beta). Check out the details below! Cool new features: The Athlete List page has changed! Waiting Athletes & Leads are no …

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Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach, AthletaDesk is the platform you need!


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