Product Updates

Copy Forward Update Blogs

We’ve rounded up some of our latest bug fixes and feature updates, including an additional option to choose when setting up your auto-copy session notes preferences: Client Management Calendar & Attendance General/Other Please note: If you have any questions or require assistance with your account, please contact our support team …

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Sign-Up(dates) & Calendar Traits

We’ve got a few big updates this month, including some much-requested calendar changes to improve the layout (especially in large multi-trainer businesses!) and a new version of the sign-up form. All these and more, below: Client Management Calendar & Attendance Accounts & Invoices General/Other Please note: If you have any …

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A Backpack of Updates

School is back in session and the leaves are juuuuust starting to change, but one thing that never changes is the AthletaDesk team releasing improvements and fixing bugs! Check out our roundup of September changes below: Client Management Calendar & Attendance Accounts & Invoices Client Portal General/Other Please note: If …

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Inte-GREAT Update!

This month, we’ve got updates big and small! We’ve upgraded our integrations with Stripe & PayPal to improve the online payment experience, added the ability to control what you see at the top of your home page, released some bugfixes, and made some small (but important!) cosmetic changes throughout. Payment …

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Gather ’round the (mobile) table

“Mabel was able to update the mobile table” – try saying that three times fast! While we don’t have anyone on the AthletaDesk team named Mabel, we do have a fabulous team of designers & developers who were able to update how the Clients and Trainers & Staff tables look …

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Invoice archive? High five!

You may be done your spring cleaning at home, but it’s time to declutter your AthletaDesk account… you can now archive old invoices so they’re outta sight, outta mind! Check out our latest updates & fixes below: Calendar & Attendance Accounts & Invoices General/Other Please note: If you have any …

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You MAY be wondering what we’ve been up to

and this update roundup for May will tell you! ✨ Check out our latest updates & fixes below: Client Management Calendar & Attendance Client Portal General/Other Please note: If you have any questions or require assistance with your account, please contact our support team at

Somewhere over the rainbow…

…is another AthletaDesk update! ✨ Today’s update includes a bold theme option for your calendar 🌈, a new setting for your Online Resources to set download permissions, and much more! Check out our latest updates & fixes below: Client Management: Calendar & Attendance: Families & Invoices General/Other Please note: If …

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Grow, grow, grow your notes

…gently down the screen! 🎵 Today’s update includes a change to the lesson notes writing area so it’ll grooooow taller as you type more, letting you see more of your notes on screen without needing to scroll! We also added private group notes for group lessons, the ability to jump …

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Calendar Clean-Up(date)

Today’s update includes another loooong list of changes & tweaks to the calendar, attendance , and lesson notes – including a highly-requested change to make the attendance page wider for better note-taking! Check out these updates and more, below: Client Management: Calendar & Attendance: Student Portal General/Other Please note: If …

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Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach, AthletaDesk is the platform you need!


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