Product Updates

A Flurry of Updates!

While many people are winding down this time of year in preparation for the holiday season, the AthletaDesk elves (aka our awesome developers) have been working ’round the clock! You may not notice any major differences at first glance, but this flurry of behind-the-scenes updates will keep AthletaDesk running smoothly …

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Ready for Delivery!

‘Tis the season for some new feature updates! We’ve been keeping our ears open for your feedback around email deliverability and have been continuously monitoring everything we can to make sure your business emails are being successfully received by your families. This week’s update focuses on our new Deliverability Report, which …

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Introducing: our new “Athlete Portal”!

It’s a big day in the AthletaDesk office! Today we’re launching an opt-in beta version of our new Athlete Portal – complete with an updated and modern interface. The new Athlete Portal is functionally identical to the current Athlete Portal, but is rebuilt using significantly newer technology that opens the …

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Laundry List of Changes!

This week, we’ve got loads of little improvements to help you during this busy fall season (and yes, that is a laundry pun). The bulk of this week’s improvements are aimed at enhancing the user experience and making life a little easier by saving you some clicks. We made several …

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We’re (pay)rolling with excitement!

Dealing with payroll may not be the most exciting part of your job, there’s no need to be shy about it. That’s why with AthletaDesk, all you’ve got to do is set your instructors up with their payroll rates and leave the rest up to us! Easy peasy, right? To kick …

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Time is money

Happy Monday from the AthletaDesk team! The sun is shining, the coffee pot is brewing and we’ve got some shiny new updates for you. Someone wise once said “Good things come to those who wait”, and we’re here to reward everyone’s patience. This week’s most exciting feature is something that many …

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Getting down to the nitty gritty

When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade…right? For coaches, replace lemons with fall scheduling, and lemonade with organized chaos – now that sounds about right! Our busy summer in the office hasn’t wound down, and the team is always searching for ways that we can improve the ease and …

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Organization is key

Between setting up your business’ fall schedule, dealing with new student enrollments and making time for that glass of wine at the end of the day – how do you stay organized? It may look easy enough to the untrained eye, but the AthletaDesk team knows better. This update includes …

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Ping! You’ve got a notification!

Ping! Check your devices, you’ve got a notification from AthletaDesk! Between working on new software updates and playing leapfrog (still kidding!), things in the office have been busy as ever. Our development team is still working tirelessly to deliver some large-scale, exciting updates that will improve how AthletaDesk operates and …

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Cloudy with a Chance of Uploads!

Our development team are working their fingers to the bone writing code, testing functionality and playing leapfrog (just kidding with that last one!) We are undergoing renovations – literally in the office and figuratively in the way that AthletaDesk is organized. It’s a huge undertaking and that’s why our updates …

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Whether you're a personal trainer, fitness instructor, or sports coach, AthletaDesk is the platform you need!


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