Product Updates

Happy to Report!

We’re always working on improving AthletaDesk with great ideas and feedback from business owners just like you! Here’s a list of the changes we’ve made to Reports this week:  Added Paid, Void, Date Emailed and Date Reminded to the Invoice Details export file. We’ve updated the Billable Hours report so …

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Sign Me Up!

  We have so much to share with you this week! Today, we’re releasing two highly requested features: segmenting the athlete list by status and a new sign-up widget (beta). Check out the details below! Cool new features: The Athlete List page has changed! Waiting Athletes & Leads are no …

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Are You Free?

The Calendar Feed can now pass Free/Busy status information to your synced calendar (if it supports this feature). If you’re using an external service, like with your synced calendar, this will automatically block out times that you have scheduled in AthletaDesk. To enable this feature, click “Calendar > Options > Sync …

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What’s On The Menu?

  Sometimes, we gotta make small moves to make big ones. In today’s small move, the Library & Downloads page has been split into two separate pages: Lending Library and Online Resources. The Lending Library page now also includes a history of any items that were loaned. For shared items …

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Good Things Come to Those Who Wait(List)

You can now email athletes who are on the Wait List or classified as a Lead! We’ve made a small change to the Athletes > Email page for sending bulk email. The “Show Inactive” athletes checkbox has been changed to “Show Non-Active Athletes.” Athletes on your waiting list no longer …

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Netflix, move over! Streaming Video now on AD!

We’re unleashing a new feature today!  We’ve added the ability to stream certain audio and video types directly from the Download Library. You’ll see a new “Play” button beside the download button that opens the media directly in the browser. Similarly, for images and PDFs, you now have the option …

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The Thin Red Line

You may have noticed yesterday that a little red line and arrow appeared on your Calendar yesterday, particularly if you use the Day/Week/Timeline views. We heard your requests, and now you can easily see where you’re at in your day! Other Updates: On mobile devices, the drop-down menu on the Invoice …

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Summertime and the livin’ is EASY

All the changes we’ve made in the last month altogether! During busy periods, (1st of the month, we’re looking at you…) if your auto-invoices are delayed due to a high volume of invoices being processed at once, we’ve added a message to your account that tells you that your invoices …

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Sorry, I Can’t Make It!

This week, we changed the behavior if you cancel a lesson by setting the attendance to “Instructor Absent”. With this attendance status selected, an SMS/Email Reminder is now automatically sent using the “Event Cancelled” email/SMS template. This ensures that athletes and parents who use SMS/email reminders will be notified in advance of …

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Solid Foundation

Over the past several months, we’ve made a large number of internal changes to the site to improve page load times across the board. Some of these internal changes are also setting the groundwork for some highly requested features 🙂 This week at AD: We’ve made some changes to our …

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